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  • Writer's pictureReza Mills

Multinational Corporations - Cultural Collapse

Taking their name from the first track on Napalm Death's classic debut Scum leaves you in no doubt as to where this band draw their influence. Needless to say I don't think this is going to be a mellow, relaxing affair.

Formed in 2011 in Lahore, Pakistan, Multinational Corporations are Sheraz Ahmed (all instruments) and Hassan Dozakhi on Vocals with Adnan Gillani chipping in Bass parts on one track, 'Zero Nation Theory'. The band have a string of releases to their name including 2011's Equality demo, the Promo 2013 demo, 2014's Jamat-al-Maut EP, 2017's split with Matka Teresa and now the Cultural Collapse demo EP, described as “5 tracks of relentless anti-imperialist grinding hardcore”. Coupled with Hassan Dozakhi artwork, that gives one Brutal Truth Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses vibes, and you have all the ingredients of something truly special.

'The White Man's Burden' starts with groove laden mid-paced Thrash that sets the scene brilliantly, slowly ratcheting up the tension before a torrent of sonic violence is finally unleashed. Again the aforementioned Napalm Death come to mind with Vocals reminiscent of Mark 'Barney' Greenaway while musically there are hints of Powerviolence and D-Beat. If Terrorizer and Extreme Noise Terror also tick your boxes then you'll love what's on offer here, a track with true crossover appeal. At a mere forty seconds long 'Stuttering Teardrops' does not fuck about in the least, instead you're met with rumbling Bass, furious blastbeats and screeched Vocals that would have Black Metal legends such as Darkthrone and Mayhem both cowering and begging for mercy. The track's nuclear explosion ending therefore is perfectly fitting and once you've finally managed to pick your jaw from up the floor you'll be ready to press on with the rest of the record.

Trying to top 'Stuttering Teardrops' in the speed stakes would be tricky so the band don't bother. Instead we're greeted with 'Artificial Epoch' which adopts more of a Progressive approach ala Canadian Space/Sci-Fi Thrashers Voivod as well as the aggressive Death Metal of Morbid Angel. Its to the band's credit that they decide to experiment, showcasing as they do their high level of technical ability. When even an old-school Hardcore kid like me can appreciate what Multinational Corporations are going for then you know they're onto a winner. 'Corp Studio S78 E6' takes us back to basics, or in other words what the band are best known for, ripping Grindcore that goes straight for the throat. Again Napalm and Brutal Truth are invoked, especially the latter on albums such as Kill Trend Suicide and Need to Control. A vicious cut and no mistake. Finally the longest track on the EP at two minutes eleven seconds 'Zero Nation Theory' features spoken word dialogue which decries the evils of Western Imperialism and a Doomy Sabbath musical backdrop. Things soon change halfway through of course with the kind of blistering Hardcore Thrash you'd have heard on albums like Carnivore's Retaliation and Vocals that recall the gruffer, harsher approach of that band's late, great leader Pete Steele (prior to the baritone Danzig style he adopted in Type O Negative). The phrase 'going out with a bang' is certainly applicable here and if the band for some curious reason decide to disband, well, you wouldn't get a much better parting shot than this.

This Excellent taster has more than fulfilled the PR blurb's promise of being “a warning shot for the chaos to come!” and fans of extreme music, whether that be Metal or Hardcore will be left salivating in anticipation of what's to come next.

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